How to get to a specific timestamp of any YouTube video?

Yes, I do it all the time. I have an attention span less than 15 seconds literally.

Every time watching any 2-hour tutorial or 8-hour tutorial, I loose my interest in nearly 15 minutes. Somehow I manage to keep myself still up to 25-26 minutes and then I stop it.

I note down the time stamp, write it on a notepad or a sticky note pasted on laptop. Later, I use that timestamp to continue from where I left.

It’s not possible to open a YouTube video and drag the video progress bar to the correct timestamp every time, especially when the tutorial is 11-hour long.

Long story short, You can easily go to a specific timestamp without dragging the video progress bar unnecessarily.


Go to the share button below YouTube video.

Just under the link is ' Start at ' checkbox. Check it. You see timestamp edit option. There you can write your timestamp, copy the link, paste in search bar and press enter.

Method-2: ( I prefer this personally )

Step-1: Open the YouTube video. Go to the search bar where the YouTube link is showing.

Step-2: Add ' &t=XhYmZs ' at the end of the link , where X, Y and Z are the numbers

For Example → OR

Step-3: Press Enter and Viola!!! You you get to the timestamp directly.

Now Enjoy and Happy learning.

Note: For detail reading, go through this