How to Solve XAMPP control panel showing " Access Denied " upon closing?

Recently I downloaded XAMPP for running my PHP files. While closing the control panel each time, I was getting a dialog box with access denied message written on it. I had to close it forcefully. It gets on your nerves, believe me.

Here, have a look at the error message.

Thus to solve it -

Step-1: Go to the XAMPP folder in C drive (or whichever drive you installed it).

Step-2: Search for " xampp-control.ini " in that folder.

Step-3: Right click on it and go to it's properties.

Step-4: In properties --> Security --> Edit

Step-5: Allow " Full Control " for Everyone and save the settings.


You can Go to -

XAMPP control panel--> right click and select Properties --> Advanced --> Select Run as Administrator and save the settings.

Now No more dialog box. ( Personally, I prefer the first one. )

Reason for this error message : It has been set to read-only mode for some reason. When you give access to full control, it works smoothly.